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Tuesday January 29, 2008 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday January 29, 2008
Assistant Fire Chief David Holbrook Resigns Position After 28 Years January 22, 2008 It is with heartfelt sorrow that I have decided to submit a letter of resignation to the Town of Middlebury Select Board and Fire Chief Rick Cole. This was not in any way to do with whether the bid for a new tanker was accepted from myself or G. Stone's. It is because of a select few department members throughout the whole process circumventing myself, only trying to find items in my bid not meeting the specs (of which some were not even on the bid request I received and are usually done by the up fitter in my business). [ more ] Kennedy Brothers Owner Plans Major Renovations in Vergennes By Mike Cameron
Kennedy Brothers owner Edwin Grant will not be closing the popular retail and business complex in Vergennes. Contrary to several widely circulated rumors Grant explained that the building will undergo substantial renovations but, it will not be closing even during the construction phase of the project. “We are working with Architect Peter Morris right now. Peter is a local business professional and is very familiar with the building and its history. His firm did the design work on our last renovation in 1987,” Grant explained. [ more ] Going Once, Going Twice - Count On Retail Stores To Be Surprising By Ed Barna Old dogs may or may not be able to learn new tricks. Veteran retailers know that to stay in business, it’s important to offer new products and services. In a country where economists say 70 percent of the economic activity depends on consumers, the ability of store owners to surprise their customers is not just vital for their own survival. When shoppers abandon Main Street, Wall Street plunges. A check with some of Middlebury’s leading retailers found they had their worries, but that hadn’t kept them from moving ahead. Just because you’ve been to a store in past years, don’t assume you’ve been there and done that. [ more ]
Other Top Stories Village Corner Store in Bristol re-Opens its doors under new ownership
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