Top Stories for Tuesday February 12, 2008
Vergennes Chapter Of FFA Members Win Eevents At Vermont Farm Show
Members of the Vergennes Chapter of FFA won many honors at the State FFA Competitions at the Vermont Farm Show held in Barre, VT, January 30, 2008. Most will advance to national competitions this fall. Winning first place individual in the State Dairy Foods Quality event was Alex Coyle with Kristine Jackson placing second, Arie Smits third, and Joshua West placing forth. Mason Evarts is also a member of this first place team. To win this event, students had to detect flavor defects in milk, identify cheeses, test milk using the California Mastitis Test, evaluate sediment disks, distinguish between dairy and non dairy products, and answer questions about milk production and marketing. The Vermont Dairy Industry Association runs and sponsors the event. [ more ] Gailer School Considering Property In Industrial Park By Dale Piper On Monday evening the Middlebury Planning and Zoning Board, along with several business owners, will be considering the purchase of the Mainelli building on Pond Lane by the Gailer School. The private secondary school, currently occupying space in the Unitarian-Universalist Society building on Cross and Water Streets has been searching for a permanent home since they moved back to Middlebury from Shelburne. The school was originally founded in what was the St. Mary's School building and moved shortly thereafter to Shelburne Commons. Wanting to return to Middlebury, they have been sharing space on a temporary basis, and have been searching since 2006 for a permanent site. The church is building a new facility on Charles Avenue, but that isn't really the driving force behind the Gailer move. Gailer intended a short stay at the present location all along. [ more ] Waterfalls Day Spa Celebrates Grand Opening
Waterfalls Day Spa in Middlebury celebrate their grand opening with a ribbon cutting ceremony on January 31st. Sara Daly and Laurie Webb opened Waterfalls Day Spa in October 2007 after a year of planning and construction. Daly is a physical therapist and Webb is a speech language pathologist, esthetician and nail technologist. Both partners worked for Addison County Home Health and had been in the medical field for a combined total of 29 years before opening their spa. Waterfalls mission is to provide effective, high quality spa treatments in a relaxing environment, focusing on enhancing natural beauty. [ more ]