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Tuesday July 22, 2008 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday July 22, 2008
Middlebury Supplies Plenty of Talent for 2008 Shrine Game By Mike Cameron
The Middlebury Union High School Tigers will be represented on this years Vermont Shrine Maple Sugar Bowl football team by no less than four of the best who have ever played for the school. Representing the Tigers this year will be Lance Robinson a first team All State pick and a 2008 Lacrosse, High School All American. Lance was also a member of the 2007 Vermont first team All State Lacrosse squad. He plans to attend prep school in the fall. Robinson who showed sprinters speed during his high school sports career will bring the Vermont Shrine Team something that it has not had an abundance of in recent years. [ more ] Sharing Gardening Secrets with Master Gardener Walt Kuehn By Cookie Steponaitis
For every first time gardener, who armed with a seed catalog, a hoe and a sense of purpose, set off in pursuit of the perfect vegetable garden and discovered that weeds are often more prolific than plants, I offer my support, shared experience and a suggestion. Spend an hour with master gardener Walt Kuehn and you will have a renewed purpose, a real understanding of what a real garden can produce, and some wonderful tips on how to proceed. [ more ] Local Students Named To Dean’s List At The University Of Vermont Undergraduate students with grade-point averages of 3.0 or better and who are in the top 20 percent of their classes, have been named to deans' lists at the schools and colleges of the University of Vermont. [ more ] Open house at Middlebury College observatory July 23 and August 6 The Middlebury College Physics Department will hold its annual series of open house nights at McCardell Bicentennial Hall’s rooftop observatory, weather permitting, on Wednesday evenings July 23 and August 6, from 9-10:30 p.m. There is no set program; the public is invited to come anytime during these hours. Admission is free. [ more ]
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