Top Stories for Tuesday August 5, 2008
Champlain Valley Equine Training Center and CJ Giard By Cookie Steponaitis For centuries, there has been a partnership between humans and equines that has survived wars, races, presidential elections, and even many marriages. The bond between an individual and their horse has been the subject of poets, cowboys, world leaders and humorists alike. Mark Twain remarked, “I can always tell which is the front end of the horse, but beyond that, my art is not above the ordinary.” Statesman Winston Churchill commented, “No hour of life is wasted that is spent in a saddle,” and an unknown author put it more succinctly with the reflection, “Feeling down? Saddle up!” No matter the century or the nation, there are people talking about their connections to the horses they love. Since I am also one of the many fanatic equestrians who could ride before they could walk, I can attest to the personal joy that comes from a ride and a relationship with a horse and comprehend the importance of the role of horses in the lives of millions around the world. While it is true that the dog may be man's best friend, horses helped to write history. [ more ] Recollecting with Art Grant By Cookie Steponaitis There are people you meet in your journeys that you know instantly contain more stories than your paper and pen can capture. Sitting down with Art Grant of Addison is not a one time affair, because his stories span two sides of the state's Green Mountains and are delivered in an original Vermont dialect and tone, containing words, phrasings and accents only retained by a few Vermonters. While his accent can not be captured on the printed page, the words of his memories paint a vibrant image of a Vermont few people are left to remember and some can only imagine. [ more ] Around And About Addison County-Starksboro By M. Stuart Parks On November 9, 1780 the Vermont Republic chartered the town of Starksboro. The town was named for Brigadier General John Stark who was a New Hampshire native and the hero of Bunker Hill and Bennington. He was a member of Roger's Rangers in the French and Indian War. [ more ]