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Tuesday November 25, 2008 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday November 25, 2008
“Run Silent Run Deep”: Sharing Memories with WWII Submariner William H. Larrabee By Cookie Steponaitis
William H. Larrabee was born in Vergennes on September 18, 1922 and has called the “Little City” his home ever since. He has lived in the same house on McDonough Drive for eighty-five years and has been married to his wife Rebecca for sixty-one years. Known to generations of Vergennes residents as “Mr. Larrabee” or simply “Bill”, he has served in the roles of postal clerk and professional bartender, but the career that most residents recognize him for is his forty years of service to the town, state and nation in the military. [ more ] Holistic Residential Care Home Wins Governor’s Healthy Aging Award
In late October, Governor Jim Douglas recognized the Living Well Residential Care Home of Bristol with the 2008 Governor’s Excellence Award, Program Champion; part of the Healthy Aging Initiative sponsored by the Governor's Commission on Healthy Aging. It was awarded to Living Well for their music therapy program which is one part of a unique, holistic protocol used by this four-year-old assisted living facility. What started as a fun weekly activity for the home’s residents has grown into a musical group called the Living Well Family Band. Regardless of their cognitive ability or physical impairment, these seniors drum, sing, write songs and perform regularly. They are often joined by family and other members of the Bristol community. When presenting the award, Douglas commented that Living Well's program helps residents connect with the community—one of the tenets of his Healthy Aging Initiative. [ more ] Letter To The Editor Shoreham Zoning Bylaws As many of you know, I have lived in Shoreham a long time. My views tend to be quite conservative and I do have the interest of my many friends and neighbors at heart. I believe in a person’s right to own property and manage it to his or her best ability and interest. After all, that’s why this great country was established. Unable to own property unless one was nobility and religious persecution sent our forefathers to crossing an unforgiving sea - spending months fighting hunger and diseases on the way and after arriving here more hunger and disease. [ more ]
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