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Tuesday January 27, 2009 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday January 27, 2009
Addison County Firefighters Hold By Mike Cameron
Addison County firefighters held their annual dinner meeting and awards banquet at the Eagles Club in Ferrisburgh on Wednesday evening, January 21, 2009. Fire Chief Robert Jenkins, who was the emcee for the evening, moved the event along at a smooth pace and did an excellent job with the awards ceremony. After ACFA President Jim Brewer concluded with the regular business meeting, which included remarks from guests at the head table and invited guests. Chief Jenkins read a brief professional service biography for this year’s nominees and then handed out a plaque for outstanding service to each award recipient as voted by their peers. [ more ]Marking The Changing Of The Guard By Cookie Steponaitis
The Changing of the Guard, to the citizens of the United Kingdom, is a solemn daily occurrence at Buckingham Palace. These soldiers are not only performing age old ceremonial duties, but are skilled as well and members of the British elite forces. These troops have been charged with guarding the ruling sovereign since 1455 when Henry VII was King of England. The Changing of the Guard is an expected part of the traditions and accepted practice in the United Kingdom. Most can not imagine a time when the guard has not been there. However, here in Addison County, the changing of the guard conjures up different images, but none the less important. [ more ]
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