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Tuesday August 4, 2009 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday August 4, 2009
TIPS Worth Taking By Mike Cameron
When local Vermont businesses take the time to fully understand their true needs it can be a sobering and even frightening experience. Where will they be in the years ahead and what will their needs be then, moreover what will be the needs of the people they serve? [ more ] Honoring Country and Community: Spending Time at American Legion Post # 14 with Henry Broughton By Cookie Steponaitis
There are people and places that are the cornerstones of our community, whose presence is so strong and dependable that most can not remember a time when they were not there. Located in the heart of Vergennes on Armory lane is the American Legion Post # 14 and sharing memories with one of its longest running members Henry Broughton was not only a privilege, but a lesson in commitment to community, country and those who have and continue to serve. [ more ] Porter Paddlers Meet Residents, Enter Broad Lake By Mike Cameron
Neil Gruber enjoys a glass of sparkling cider with members of the staff and some of the residents of Helen Porter Health and Rehabilitation during an “on shore visit” at Basin Harbor, Thursday afternoon July 30th, 2009. Gruber, along with Mike Cameron of The Valley Voice are paddling the length of Lake Champlain (Whitehall New York’s South Bay to the Canadian border above the Rouses Point Bridge) as a fundraiser. The money raised will pay for a cruise boat day trip on the lake for Porter residents their families and special guests in August. [ more ]
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