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Tuesday March 30, 2010 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday March 30, 2010
Hannaford Career Center Students Prove They Are “Champions at Work”
Patricia A. Hannaford Career Center students from Automotive Technology, Construction Technology, Culinary Arts, Diesel Power Technology, and Pre-Engineering and Architectural Drafting demonstrated their knowledge at the annual Vermont SkillsUSA competition. This year’s theme was “Champions at Work” and PAHCC students proved they are! They joined students from other Career and Technical Centers at the Sheraton Inn in South Burlington on Tuesday, March 16, 2010. [ more ] History Gathering Brings Together Generations By Cookie Steponaitis On a warm spring night a group gathers at VUHS to talk about the past. The members of the Ferrisburgh Historical Society and the VUHS History Club spend an evening sharing, discussing and probing the past through the lens of the student projects set to compete in this year’s Vermont History Day Competition. [ more ] Looking Up!
During the recent dark days of winter, when the staff of the Middlebury Bagel Deli departed, their place was taken by artist and painter, Thatcher Littlefield of East Middlebury. Tables were covered with protective canvas and scaffolding assembled, so he could reach the high curved ceiling with a tiny air brush. Frequently, Thatcher would continue to paint well after midnight. The work is now complete with small delicate, clouds appearing to float across a deep blue sky.
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