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Tuesday April 13, 2010 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday April 13, 2010
Shoreham’s 200 Year Old Newton Academy Lost To Fire By Sandy Koorda
In the wake of a fast moving, late-night thunder storm, the Newton Academy – that was home to a nursery school and the Shorewell Clinic – was believed to have been struck by lightning shortly before 1 AM. Upon arrival, first firefighters on-scene were reporting that flames were through the roof of the three story building, and by 4 AM, it was clear that the once historic structure was a complete loss. Yet due to the valiant efforts of the Shoreham, Orwell, Cornwall, Whiting and Bridport fire departments, (who were also aided by Vergennes Fire Department’s ladder truck) - a nearby dwelling, the elementary school and 2 school buses were protected from harm. [ more ] Local Teen Selected As Vermont Boys & Girls Club Member Of The Year By Cookie Steponaitis
When Kelsey Howard first walked through the doors of the Greater Vergennes Boys & Girls Club five years ago, the words that best described her were, in Kelsey’s own opinion, “shy, insecure and quiet.” She skirted the perimeter of the club and for a long while simply watched the other activities, interacting with the other teens only on a rare occasion. With time she grew a little bolder and became a part of the programs, thus beginning the transformation to the outspoken, active and positive teen of today. It is safe to say that Kelsey not only grew up at Boys & Girls Club, she blossomed. [ more ]
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