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Tuesday April 27, 2010 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday April 27, 2010
Golden Rule Finds A Home In A VUHS Program By Cookie Steponaitis
Most all of us know the golden rule. As a young child we were taught to read and recite the powerful message of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Even kindergarteners are taught to treat others with respect and to reach out to those in need. It is more than just a yardstick to live by and the golden rule is a strong underpinning of the educational system in a free democracy. One of the charges of schools and communities is to teach the next generation to how to reach out, become involved and make a difference because they can. [ more ] Porter Auxiliary To Host Annual “Derby Day” Benefit
If your upcoming travel plans do not include a visit to the infield at Churchill Downs in Louisville for the 134th running of the Kentucky Derby, then plan to come to Cornwall on Saturday afternoon, May 1st , for the eighth annual “Kentucky Derby Day Benefit” sponsored by the Porter Medical Center Auxiliary. According to event chairperson Dee Hodges, the annual event is open to the general public and all are encouraged to participate in this unique and enjoyable benefit hosted by Sue and Bruce Byers. [ more ] Porter To Host Annual Bone Marrow Donor Drive In conjunction with National Hospital Week activities this year, Porter Hospital will host the 3rd annual “Marrow Donor Drive” on Wednesday, May 12th from 11:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. outside of the hospital cafeteria. One year ago, 25 Porter Hospital employees registered as prospective bone marrow donors during our event, and this year we hope to surpass that number by inviting members of our community to come and learn more about this special opportunity to potentially make a tremendous difference in another person’s life. [ more ]
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