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Tuesday July 12, 2011 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday July 12, 2011

Local Teen Pitches No Hitter
By Cookie Steponaitis
For many Americans baseball is more than a summer passion. It is a way of life. For Dylan Raymond, baseball began as T-Ball when he was five years old at Ferrisburgh Central School. He played T-Ball for two years and then moved on to the Minors Little League for Vergennes Area Youth League. At the age of nine he continued to move up to the Major Leagues and played for more years making the All-Star team each year at the District 1 tournament level. Currently, Dylan is on the Vergennes Babe Ruth Team and was pitching for the June 29, 2011 game between VUHS and Mt. Abraham, when he pitched a no hitter.  [ more ]

Shoreham High School Alumni Gather To Remember And Celebrate
By Cookie Steponaitis
For Rita Davis (Class of 53), Arlene Stanley (Class of 51), Culene Doane (Class of 68), and Phyllis Allen (Class of 54), Saturday, July 2 was a special day and the culmination of a lot of work and planning. All afternoon more graduates of Shoreham High School kept coming in and mingling with others who gathered for the sole purpose of coming together once every five years to celebrate all of the classes that went to the rural high school that was the heartbeat of Shoreham for so long. The 95 alumni sitting together for dinner and recollections at the American Legion Post # 27 in Middlebury, Vermont, continued a tradition that dates back to 1986 and brought together three generations that called Shoreham High School home.  [ more ]


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