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Tuesday October 2, 2012 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday October 2, 2012
Sharing Memories With Roberta Atwood By Tom Pinsonneault
Mother-in-law” has such a negative connotation I prefer (the French) “ma Belle-mere’” when referring to my Mother-in-law, Roberta Atwood. Belle-mere’ seems softer in tone and upon framing the words forms the beginning of a smile. See what I mean? [ more ] Parent Educator Vicki Hoefle Guest Speaker at MUHS Freshman Parent Event By Marcie Bolton
Middlebury Union High School recently hosted Vicki Hoefle, as the guest speaker at MUHS’s 9th grade parent information night. Many parents attended the barbecue and lecture by Hoefle which included topics ranging from tips for parenting through encouragement not control, supporting autonomy and individualism, and respecting teens entering their new high school stratosphere. [ more ] A Little Duckie Intrigue Adds to the Flavor and Community Support By Cookie Steponaitis
The crowd on the banks of Otter Creek on Vergennes Day was animated and focused. Their eyes were glued to the flotilla of rubber duckies that were about to make their journey down the river to the finish line. At stake was bragging rights, prize money and the fun of knowing all that was raised in the annual Vergennes Rotary Fundraiser was going to local scholarships and programs. Then suddenly, fate intervened and a random event became a big duckie deal. A lone seagull flying high over the event swooped down and plucked one of the intrepid rubber duckies from the race. The gull made two laps around the Otter Creek Basin and then dropped the duck well ahead of the pack floating behind. With wind, currents and just plain old luck, that loan duckie crossed the finish line ahead of the floating flotilla. While some people good naturedly lodged a sea gull protest, the judges ruled that the freak incident was not a disqualification and a duckie champion was crowned. [ more ]
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