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Tuesday April 30, 2013 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday April 30, 2013
Looking At Spring From The Front Porch Of Elgin Spring Farm By Cookie Steponaitis
Signs of spring are everywhere including at Elgin Spring Farm. Sitting on the front porch with Earl and Raymonde Bessette with the late afternoon sun streaming through the window the conversation flows with decades of memories about spring on the farm. The pair has been married for sixty three years and the head of a family which includes seven children, fifteen grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren. As a matter of chance and celebration, this day also welcomes the arrival of what Earl jokingly called, “the newest hired man,” new great-grandson Weston Edward weighing in at a solid 8 lbs. 9 ounces. [ more ] An Evening Full Of Fun, Laughter, And Dancing To Benefit Camp Ta-Kum-Ta, A Year-Round Camp For Children With Cancer
Join friends and family on Saturday, May 4, 2013 at 6pm at the Old Lantern in Charlotte, Vermont for an evening of fun, laughter, dancing, and celebrating the life of Grace Emery. Grace was an inspirational young woman and life-long camper at Camp Ta-Kum-Ta. [ more ]2013 WomenSafe Mother’s Day Card
WomenSafe is pleased to announce that Addison County artist Phoebe Stone’s artwork will grace the 2013 Mother’s Day card – our 12th Annual Mother’s Day Card in the Local Women Artist Series. Phoebe Stone has always been an artist. One of her earliest memories is of her fifth birthday party in which an easel and paints suddenly appeared in her house along with a group of children and a lot of balloons. At the party, Phoebe and all the children had to stand in line waiting for a turn to paint at the easel. When the guests went home Phoebe thought the easel and paints would leave with them. [ more ]
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