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Tuesday July 29, 2014 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday July 29, 2014
Ready, Set, Crash Them Up… Demolition Derby & Field Days Are Just Around The Corner By Cookie Steponaitis
Even the diehard Demolition Derby competitors will admit that it is a bit odd. You work for weeks to get ready and have the right car, the right materials and plan your driving strategy just to wreck the vehicle and have a heck of a lot of fun while you are doing it. Well, just another of those unique oddities of life in Addison County, correct! You betcha! [ more ] Determination & Perseverance Weybridge Willing Workers 4-H Preps For Field Days
Weybridge Willing Workers 4-H has members ranging from 8-17, and a few younger kids that show as “pee-wees” (children ages 3-8) at the county fair. During the summer the club does something quite unique and moves all of the 4-H animals to their host family, Lance and Kimberly Waterman’s, barn in Weybridge. All the 4-H families take turns doing chores during the week, where they clean, water, feed, and love the animals. [ more ]
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