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Tuesday December 16, 2014 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday December 16, 2014
Sharing Music And Holiday Fun With Addison County Gospel Choir By Cookie Steponaitis
The movement of people in the park was slightly discernible in the fading light of a Vermont winter night and there was a nip in the air and a blast of Arctic wind that occasionally blew the small patches of snow around your feet. Suddenly the voice of Little City Mayor Bill Benton came over a loud speaker and asked all present to count down, “5-4-3-2-1,” and with the flick of a switch the park lit up the trees and their limbs encased in white lights and from the bandstand came the beautiful sound of voices raised in song and another holiday season was officially underway. [ more ] Two Careers In Education Sharing Memories With Larry & Ida Washington By Cookie Steponaitis
There is a sense of completeness and coming full circle when sitting down to listen to Larry & Ida Washington share memories of sixty-six years of marriage, six children, and fifteen grandchildren. Born and raised in different states; Ida on Long Island and Larry in Connecticut, they came to Middlebury College German Summer Language School as young adults. They formed a bond that has stood the test of decades, a family, many moves, and kept them grounded to their adopted Vermont home. [ more ]
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