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Tuesday April 18, 2017 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday April 18, 2017
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #27 Donates $1000.00 to 'Relay For Life' By Mike Cameron
Michael Jackman accepts a one-thousand dollar check from Alysia Duncanson, President of American Legion Auxillary Unit #27 of Middlebury Vermont. The donation will help in the fight against Cancer and is part of this year's 'Relay For Life,' a major fund raising effort held here in Middlebury. [ more ] Celebrating With Tom Denecker And Denecker Chevrolet By Cookie Steponaitis
On Friday, April 21st a group of officials from General Motors and selected customers of Denecker Chevrolet will gather in Middlebury for a ribbon cutting ceremony twenty-six years in the making. [ more ] Philadelphia Strong A Celebration Of The Commodore Music Program By Cookie Steponaitis
Folks out talking a walk or driving through the Little City got quite a shock on Sunday night. Coming through town with sirens and lights blazing were the Police Department and Fire Department followed by buses loaded with very exuberant students from the Vergennes Symphonic Band and Vergennes Chorus. [ more ] Serving Those Who Served Us By Cookie Steponaitis
In the ever-changing dynamics of the modern world it is often hard to stop and reflect on what we as a nation have. Most of us are so busy making decisions, working hard and living life that there is not a moment when reflection on those who came before is the first task at hand. This past weekend a group of young people took up the age-old tradition of the USO entertaining military staff and traveled to the Veterans’ Home in Bennington, Vermont. [ more ]
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