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Tuesday November 7, 2017 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday November 7, 2017
Honoring Those Serving Now By Cookie Steponaitis
While Americans cannot seem to agree on the role of the American flag in our nation and what is protest and what is disrespect, there is no disagreement on the gratitude felt for those serving in the Armed Forces of this nation. An October 16th, 2015 Time magazine article defined American troop presence overseas to include a total of 150,600 stationed in places of conflict with a lengthy heritage of warfare around the globe. [ more ] Why Do They Serve? By Cookie Steponaitis
To many Americans the idea of serving in the Armed Forces of the nation is a foreign concept. They wonder why people willingly put themselves in harm’s way, give up freedom and missing precious time with their family and children’s lives. While the answers may not be a surprise, the reality is that people serve in the Armed Forces for a myriad of reasons and unique to the individual choosing to put on the uniform. [ more ] Local Educator Is Awarded Future Farmers Of America American Degree By Cookie Steponaitis
Suzanne Buck first encountered Future Farmers of America (FFA) as a teenager. She competed in 4-H events at the Big E and, "first saw a sea of blue corduroy jackets and was not only impressed but slightly jealous.” Over time Buck began as a volunteer in the Vergennes FFA chapter and became a co-advisor with Bill VanDeWeert and part of a family of agricultural enthusiasts that she still keeps in touch with today. The pair shared many students, Tractor Days and attended national conventions together. [ more ] RSVP Celebrates The Warm Hands & Hearts Of Volunteers By Cookie Steponaitis
by Cookie SteponaitisOne of the largest volunteer networks in the nation for people 55 and over, RSVP harnesses the skills, talents and donations of volunteers to help in volunteer activities in local communities. Whether organizing neighborhood watch programs, tutoring or mentoring, renovating homes, teaching English to immigrants, assisting victims of natural disasters of providing beautifully hand knitted and sewn items, the RSVP volunteers annually brighten the lives of millions around the world. [ more ]
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