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Tuesday September 18, 2007 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday September 18, 2007
Tigers Turn Back Raiders 19-9 By Mike Cameron They have been called two of the best High School Football Programs in the state. Year in and year out Middlebury and Rutland have produced some excellent championship caliber squads. Recently the two have played each other in Division 1 title games with Rutland having the advantage in wins in the big dance. Coaches Mike Norman and Peter Brakeley understand the dynamics of winning important ball games. Yes they are all important but some are more so than others at certain times of the year. Both teams came into the game with impresive wins in their last outings. The Raiders used a last minute burst of offense to defuse So. Burlington for a come from behind win in week 1 and then stopped Essex in week two using a second half surge. They were 2-0. [ more ] The Bristol Railroad: The Little Train That Could By Larry Johnson
For thirty-eight years, from 1892 until 1930, a steam engine huffed and puffed along the six -mile Bristol Railroad, from New Haven Junction to its home in Bristol Village. It was one of the shortest railroads ever built in Vermont, but it put Bristol on the map and gave that mountain town a commercial and cultural connection to the rest of the world. Railroad fever started in the 1880s, but it wasn’t until 1890, when a New York consortium of financiers offered to help pay for the building of the railroad, that the project finally found traction. The local towns, including Lincoln and Bristol, were responsible for raising part of the construction funds, and the town of Bristol voted on the bond issue on March 15, 1890. [ more ] This Week In Pictures
The Valley Voice Staff presents this week in pictures. [ more ]
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