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Tuesday January 1, 2008 Edition
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Top Stories for Tuesday January 1, 2008
2008: A Time To Solidfy Our Future By Kathleen Johnson Once again a new year appears before us with its arms full of opportunities of all kinds. Of course, as with most things, not every gift is what we want, but most of the major aspects that are working through 2008 have plenty to offer. Capricorn is the sign that dominates the year with two major planets, Jupiter and Pluto, influencing it. Last year was one in which the potential rewards were great for beneficent Jupiter was promenading through its own sign of Sagittarius, but it proceeded in Capricorn on the 18th of December where it will reside throughout 2008. Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, which has been in Sagittarius for the last twelve years, makes a foray into Capricorn on January 26th, ducks back to Sagittarius on April 2nd and returns to Capricorn for the next twelve years or so on November 26th. All of this dancing back and forth will shake up the lives of Capricorns and Scorpios, so if either of those signs in prominent in your life, expect plenty to be happening. [ more ] Year In Review 2007
Here are some selected news shorts from The Valley Voice over the past year. [ more ]
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